All living things are animated by a universal life force energy that comes from God. It is the force behind creating and sustaining all Life. Without life force energy, life cannot exist. When life force energy is abundant, life is strong and vibrant. When life force energy is depleted, life is weak and non-vibrant. Most diseases are caused, in some way or another, by a depletion of life force energy.
Most human civilizations, cultures, and religions throughout our history have had individuals who could access this life force energy, concentrate it, amplify it, and use it in healing the sick. It doesn’t matter from which culture these healers came, or what they named their healing energy, it was the same life force energy.
In Japan, Universal life force energy is called Reiki. The name Reiki comes from two words; Rei, meaning "Spirit," and Ki, meaning "life force energy." Taken together, Reiki is "spiritually guided life force energy." Reiki is the vital force that comes directly from God, the highest Source of all that is.
In the early 1900s, there were four styles of Reiki Ryoho (healing systems) present throughout Japan. In 1922, Mikao Usui, a monk, while on Mt Kurama, Japan, seeking spiritual enlightenment, on the twenty-first day of fasting and meditation, received an empowerment of Reiki life force energy directly from God, and with it, a clear vision on how to use this newer style of Reiki energy. He spent the last four years of his life traveling across Japan, healing and teaching the ways of Reiki. He called his healing system, Usui Reiki Ryoho.
Usui Reiki Ryoho differed from other styles of Reiki from that time period in that Mikao Usui had been attuned to a higher vibration of Reiki energy more appropriate for his time. He was given the insight on how to quickly and efficiently attune others to become Reiki Healers and Masters instead of requiring a life-long apprenticeship. He also acquired knowledge from God on using certain symbols, and once activated, could concentrate, amplify and focus Reiki energy in new ways not available before. By his death in 1926, Mikao Usui, or as he was respectfully called by his Reiki students, Usui Sensei (Master teacher), had established himself as one the most powerful healers of all time. In just four years, he had trained about 2,000 Reiki Healers and 20 Reiki Masters, a feat not accomplished by anyone before. The seeds he planted gave rise to the Reiki that we have today.
Chujiro Hayashi, a retired medical doctor of the Japanese Navy and one of Usui Sensei’s Reiki Master students, is responsible for further developing Usui Reiki Ryoho to include a special set of hand positions to be used in Reiki treatments that were based on his medical experience. The new hand positions would lay the foundation for the Western style Reiki. Hayashi Sensei also had established his own Reiki clinic in Tokyo, where he carried on the tradition that Usui Sensei had started by training his own Reiki Healers and Masters. He also made improvements of Usui’s original attunement process.
Hayashi Sensei’s Reiki Clinic over the years had grown in popularity and had a reputation for miraculous healing. In 1935, Hawayo Takata, a Japanese American from Hawaii, while visiting relatives in Japan and seeking medical help for her failing health, checked into a Japanese hospital and was diagnosed as having a tumor, gallstones, appendicitis and asthma, all at the same time. Her doctor immediately scheduled her for emergency surgery, but she refused to go under the knife and had a strong inclination to try something different. She was drawn to Hayashi’s Reiki clinic, where she met Hayashi Sensei, who gave her a similar diagnosis. But, instead of surgery, Reiki was recommended. At first, she was skeptical, but was open minded enough to give Reiki a try.
According to Mrs Takata, she had gone to Hayashi’s clinic every day for a Reiki treatment, where two Reiki practitioners would work on her at the same time. Over the course of her daily visits, her health gradually improved and within four months she was completely cured of all her ailments, without ever having surgery. Impressed with the results, Mrs Takata wanted to learn Reiki for herself. In the spring of 1936, she received the First Degree Reiki from Hayashi Sensei. She continued her studies of Reiki by working with Hayashi Sensei in his clinic over the next year. In 1937, before returning to her home in Hawaii, Mrs Takata received the Second Degree Reiki.
Hayashi Sensei had a premonition of World War II, and after seeing all the death and destruction in Japan, he feared that Reiki would be lost to the world. Recalling Usui Sensei’s dream of giving Reiki to the world, he knew something needed to be done now before it was too late. In 1937, Hayashi Sensei traveled to Hawaii to help establish the first Reiki Center outside of Japan. Before returning home, he initiated Mrs Takata in 1938 as the Reiki Master and head of the Reiki Center in Hawaii to carry on the Usui Reiki Ryoho tradition in the West.
Hayashi Sensei died in 1940. After World War II, it appeared that all Reiki traditions in Japan had been lost, either through disuse or attrition. However, Usui Reiki Ryoho had survived. It had gone underground, forming a secretive society, to avoid being influenced by outside forces. At the end of World War II, the U.S. required that all people of Japan practicing any kind of healing, including Reiki, have a license. In this way, a licensing board, favoring conventional Medicine, had control over how health care could be practiced in Japan. The Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (society, center) chose not to register their organization in order to protect and preserve the integrity of Usui Reiki. So, for the next half century, Usui Reiki of Japan remained a secretive society, hidden from view of the public, and only spoken of and practiced among themselves. This was not what Usui Sensei had intended for Reiki.
From its humble beginning in 1938, Mrs Takata’s clinic in Hawaii served as the primary beacon of Reiki to the World. Takata Sensei developed into a powerful and dedicated Reiki Master. For over 40 years, she practiced and taught Reiki throughout the Hawaiian Islands and in many parts of mainland U.S. She was an innovator and had simplified the Reiki treatment to make it more palatable for Western Reiki practitioners. She also modified and simplified the Reiki attunement. Overall, her changes had created the Western Style Reiki that has ever since proven itself as a powerful and reliable healing modality. By the time of her passing in 1980, she had taught 22 Reiki Masters to carry on the tradition of Usui Reiki.
If it was not for Takata Sensei, Usui Reiki most likely would have been lost to the world. Instead, it has spread around the world and millions of people practice Reiki on themselves and others. This is Usui Sensei’s gift and legacy to the world.
* Note: The resource for most of the Reiki facts and the portraits used here came from the carefully researched article, “What is the History of Reiki?” by William Lee Rand, the Founder & President of the International Center for Reiki Teaching (ICRT). You can read this full article by accessing his website at find it in “Learn About Reiki” section at the bottom of the Home page.
Universal life force energy is present within and surrounding all living things. It is the vital force that animates life. Life force energy is much different than a simple energy like electricity because it has consciousness and intelligence. Life force energy is that aspect of God which is essential for supporting life. Without it, life cannot exist.
Life force energy has the inherent ability to adapt and adjust itself to the needs of all living things. Just as white light is a composite of all colors, life force energy is a composite of an infinite array of energy frequencies. Some of these energy frequencies are more appropriate than others for mankind. As we continue to grow spiritually, our need for specific types of life force energy changes, as well as, our ability to accommodate greater amounts of the vital force. Life force energy always adjusts itself to match our needs, without ever doing harm.
So, it shouldn't be too surprising that Reiki has changed over the years and that it will continue to evolve as we evolve. Recently, Reiki has undergone a major upgrade, Holy Fire Reiki, which has the highest vibration yet and promises to be a life changer.
According to William Lee Rand, the founder and president of the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT), in January 2014, he became aware of a new kind of Reiki healing energy that was more refined and had a higher level of consciousness than anything he had ever experienced before. He also was given the symbol for this new Reiki energy and an attunement for it. He was told to begin teaching it as part of his Reiki Master class that was scheduled to start the next day. This new form of Reiki energy, with its higher level of consciousness, guided and instructed him through that first teaching experience. His students well received this new Reiki energy and their healing experiences were profound. This was the advent of one of the greatest upgrades in Reiki history. Today, it is known as Holy Fire Reiki, a wonderful energy that better helps us cope with our increasingly complex civilization.
Holy Fire Reiki is much different than traditional Usui Reiki. When giving a “hands-on” traditional Usui Reiki treatment, Reiki energy coming from God, the Source of all that is, enters through the crown chakra of the Reiki practitioner, down to their heart chakra, out through their arms to the palm chakra in their hands, and then it is given to their client. No matter how refined the healing skills of a Reiki practitioner, Reiki energy passing through them is always lowered in its vibration and can even be tainted with negative energy patterns if present, especially if they were having a "bad day." In contrast, Holy Fire Reiki energy comes from God and goes directly to the palm chakras of a Holy Fire Reiki practitioner and then to their client. In this way, the vibration of Holy Fire energy is never lowered or corrupted by passing through the practitioner’s body as it can with traditional Reiki. This ensures that Holy Fire Reiki energy is always pure with the highest vibration possible, making it a powerful healing force.
In Holy Fire Reiki, learning to become a practitioner is radically different. But first, in traditional Reiki, the training process uses attunements, in which a Reiki Master/Teacher places his/her hands on their student to transfer the essence of their Reiki energy to them. Special and unique Reiki symbols are used for directing this Reiki energy to open and expand their student’s internal energy channels and palm Chakras. This gives their students an enhanced ability of transferring Reiki healing energy to others through their hands. The quality of a traditional Reiki practitioner’s healing energy is dependent upon their Reiki lineage.
All traditional Reiki lineages originated with Usui Sensei nearly a hundred years ago. In tracing any lineage from then, following each branch, from teacher to teacher, something has changed along the way. With each step, the vibration of Reiki energy became lowered and also became tainted a little with energy patterns acquired from each teacher. So, today’s traditional Reiki does not have the same essence, power and effectiveness as the original Reiki taught by Usui Sensei.
A new Reiki energy, Holy Fire Reiki, has emerged to fill the void and provide a Reiki energy with a higher vibration for meeting the growing needs of our ever-changing society. Holy Fire Reiki comes directly from God, the Source of all that is. Hence, it is only fitting then that an aspect of God, the Holy Spirit, would now be directly responsible for the initiation process in training new practitioners of Holy Fire Reiki. "Hands On" Attunements used with traditional Reiki are replaced with Experiences, Placements, and Ignitions which are given by the Holy Spirit. Here, the Reiki Master/Teacher is actually taken out of the initiation process and only serves as a facilitator. Since this initiation comes directly from God, it is of the highest vibration possible and not tainted with energies that would come from a traditional Reiki teacher. This ensures that its essence is always pure, powerful and consistently effective. Also, initiations are tailored specifically to the needs of each student. Since the Holy Fire Reiki initiation comes directly from God and does not involve passing on Reiki energy through a succession of teachers, it has no lineage as does traditional Reiki.
No sooner had I written this section that we received word from William Lee Rand, the president of ICRT, that Holy Fire Reiki had undergone another upgrade. Today, during this time of a world pandemic, our need for social distancing and restrictions on gatherings has prompted The Brothers and Sisters of the Light to upgrade Holy Fire energy so that our style of Reiki can now be taught distantly online in a webinar format. In this way, people can still learn Holy Fire Reiki while remaining in the comfort and protection of their own homes. I find it amazing that Holy Fire Reiki energy continues to evolve and adapt to the needs of our ever changing world family.
Characteristics of Holy Fire® Energy (William Lee Rand):
William Rand also adds that Holy Fire® is more refined and coming from a higher level of consciousness than any other healing energy we have experienced. And in addition, it continues to develop and appears to have a tremendous potential to become ever more helpful and beneficial.
Holy Fire® is a registered service mark of William Lee Rand
Nearly a hundred years ago, Usui Sensei offered his students a set of ideals to strive for on a daily basis, which would over time encourage the full expression of Reiki energy in all aspects of their lives.
The Five Reiki Principles:
1. Just for today, don’t get angry.
2. Just for today, don’t worry.
3. Just for today, be grateful.
4. Just for today, work hard.
5. Just for today, be kind to others.
Today, the wisdom of the Reiki principles is important because it's still useful in creating peace and harmony in our lives. With the continual adherence of these simple Reiki principles, just one day at a time, they become habits, then routines. And eventually, they become a way of life. Their daily adherence along with using Reiki energy will gradually shape and permanently transform your life.
If you change the way you think, you change the structure of your brain. Science tells us that if you acquire a new thinking pattern, new neural circuits will form in your brain. And, according to the concept of neuroplasticity, the more you think a certain way, the stronger and more developed its associated neural pathways in your brain become, making the new thinking pattern or behavior established in your life. Interestingly, Usui Sensei made this same discovery nearly 100 years ago.
If you choose to learn and use Holy Fire® Reiki, there is no limit to the possibilities that become available for your personal growth and development. Holy Fire energy comes from the Source of all that is, was, and will be. It has consciousness, intelligence and awareness that transcend space and time. Holy Fire can be used to heal your past or future. It always respects your free will. Holy fire will never harm you and will always adjust itself to fit your needs.
There is absolutely no limitation to the healing possibilities that can be achieved through Holy Fire Reiki. No matter how refined your healing energy may become, there is always room for further growth and development. William Lee Rand reminds everyone that Usui Sensei, the founder of the Reiki healing system, recognized that he had not reached the limit of his potential and always considered himself to be one step below the top on a scale that was ever expanding. According to the Bible, John 14:12, Jesus, who had accomplished many great feats of healing in his lifetime, said , "We could do everything he had done and even more." Jesus recognized mankind’s unlimited potential. He also said, in Matthew 17:20, "If you had faith as small as a mustard seed, you could move mountains." Wherever you put your attention, that is where your energy goes. If you put your attention on healing your life and that of others, then that is where your energy will go. There is no limit to what you can accomplish with the unlimited power of Holy Fire Reiki along with a little faith in yourself. Holy Fire Reiki provides the means to consistently tap into the Source of all that is, release self-imposed limitations, and creates opportunities in life needed for manifesting dreams.
Learn Holy Fire Reiki today and begin an amazing Spiritual journey that promises to meet your greatest aspirations.
Learning Reiki takes time to master. Your journey begins with Reiki I where you learn the fundamentals of Reiki, then Reiki II where you build upon Reiki I concepts and techniques to enhance your ability to receive and give Reiki energy. Reiki I & II can also be taken together in an intensive two-day course. After a six-month period to allow growth and integration of Reiki energy, you are eligible for Reiki III, the Reiki Master level. In the course offered here, Reiki III is combined with Advanced Reiki Training (ART) developed by William Lee Rand for an intensive three-day workshop simply called, Reiki Master. In this course, you learn the latest advanced Reiki techniques, receive a major upgrade in Reiki energy, Holy Fire, and become empowered with the ability to teach Reiki.
Karuna Reiki® Master is the most advanced Reiki course yet. It is an infusion of Holy Fire, all nine Karuna Reiki energy/symbols and Reiki Master energies developed by William Lee Rand. It is taught in a three-day workshop.
I am a Professional Member of the Reiki Membership Association (RMA) and follow the guidelines established by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT). I use the official ICRT Reiki manuals written by William Lee Rand when teaching Reiki. I was trained specifically by William Lee Rand in the art of using Reiki Holy Fire. I also have received certification to teach all Holy Fire Reiki classes online using the Webinar format developed by ICRT. Recent upgrades in the energy of Holy Fire enable our style of Reiki to now be taught online.
The title, Usui/Holy Fire, before each class listed below, such as Usui/Holy Fire - Reiki I, signifies that I am using the Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Ryoho healing system in teaching Reiki that was developed by William Lee Rand through the ICRT. You may be pleased to know that this system is a major upgrade and evolution of Reiki that is meant to replace older style systems. The new Reiki system uses a unique set of Experiences, Placements and Ignitions in place of "Hands On" Attunements.
As you begin your Reiki journey, be prepared to receive much healing of Spirit, mind and body.
Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand
Today, during this time of a global pandemic, the Holy Fire style of Reiki has recently been upgraded by The Brothers and Sisters of the Light so that it can now be taught distantly Online in a Webinar Format. Holy Fire Reiki can reach so many more people now than ever before, better helping those in need. In the near future, when we are able again to heal and teach "in person," you will be able to choose what format you would like. Many people are now finding that they prefer taking a Holy Fire Reiki class online because it's just as powerful and it's also convenient remaining in the comfort and protection of their own homes.
(My Holy Fire Reiki online classes come with a 30 day full money-back guarantee if not satisfied with your online experience. This guarantee does not apply to my "in person" classes)
Welcome to the first step in your Reiki journey. In Reiki I, you will learn the fundamentals of Reiki. The class includes a combination of Western style Reiki and Japanese style techniques, giving a wonderful fusion of two styles of Reiki. You will become empowered with Reiki energy. After completing this class, you will be able to give a Reiki treatment to yourself and others. Most people find that Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method for healing their spirit, mind, and body that anyone can learn and use.
Price $100 Retake Fee: $25 (my students only)
One-day energy workshop, Saturday (4/12/25), allow 9 hours, including lunch.
Prerequisite: None
Registration: Opens Mar 28th, closes Friday, Apr 11th.
(My Online classes come with a 30-day full money-back guarantee if not satisfied with your online experience. This guarantee does not apply to my "in person" classes)
Note: The registration fee includes the official ICRT course manual, "Reiki, The Healing Touch, First and Second Degree Manual" by William Lee Rand. For Online classes, a Digital edition of this manual will be available online for life but not downloadable. For In-Person classes, a Hardcopy edition of the manual will be given out in class. Additional copies can be purchased from
What Is Covered in the Reiki I Workshop, 9am to 6pm Mountain Time:
After successfully completing Reiki I, you will be qualified in giving Reiki treatments to yourself and others. You will receive a certificate of Reiki I completion awarded by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT).
Holy Fire® is a registered service mark of William Lee Rand
To Register & Purchase, click on the "PURCHASE - REIKI I" button below. It will send you to my website's "In Store" page where you can select available courses to purchase.
Note: Only courses that are currently open for purchase are shown on my "In Store" page. If you have questions, go to my "Contact Me" page.
In Reiki II, we build on the fundamental concepts and techniques learned in Reiki I. Here, you will learn how to use Reiki symbols, a powerful tool for enhancing and focusing Reiki energy. After completing this workshop, you will be able to increase the power of Reiki, give mental and emotional healing, and send Reiki energy over great distance to a person or situation, and to any time, past or future. Most people are surprised at the versatility of Reiki. It can be used for everyone, of any race, creed, or age. It can be given anywhere, at anytime, and for any situation. Reiki is truly a universal life force energy and it will continue growing within you with practice.
Price $100 Retake Fee: $25 (my students only)
One-day energy workshop, Sunday (4/13/25), allow 9 hours, including lunch.
Prerequisite: Reiki I completion
Registration: Opens Mar 28th , closes Friday, Apr 11th.
(My Online classes come with a 30-day full money-back guarantee if not satisfied with your online experience. This guarantee does not apply to my "in person" classes)
Note: Reiki II uses the same manual as Reiki I. If you do not have the official ICRT course manual, you can purchase a new manual for an additional $20, either the Digital edition for Online classes or the Hardcopy edition for In-Person classes. Additional copies can be purchased from
What Is Covered in the Reiki II Workshop, 9am to 6pm Mountain Time:
After successfully completing Reiki II, you will be empowered for using Reiki II symbols with your Reiki treatments. You will receive a certificate of Reiki II completion awarded by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) such as the one shown to the left.
Holy Fire® is a registered service mark of William Lee Rand
To Register & Purchase, click on the "PURCHASE - REIKI II" button below. It will send you to my website's "In Store" page where you can select available courses to purchase.
Note: Only courses that are currently open for purchase are shown on my "In Store" page. If you have questions, go to my "Contact Me" page.
Learn Reiki in a special course that combines the fundamentals of Reiki I with the expanded tools of Reiki II into a single, intensive, two day workshop. Many people prefer this format because it is more convenient taking Reiki I & II together over a single weekend and not having to wait between classes.
This Usui/Holy Fire III - Reiki I & II (combined) workshop is comprehensive using a series of lectures, discussions, meditation experiences, placements and practice sessions, all in a comfortable setting. With plenty of "hands-on" practice scheduled for this course, you will have the opportunity of both giving and receiving complete Reiki treatments, as well as, the time to practice special tools & techniques.
Price $150 (25% discount) Retake Fee: $50 (my students only)
Two-day energy workshop, allow 9 hours each day, including lunch:
Reiki I - Saturday (4/12/25) & Reiki II - Sunday (4/13/25)
Prerequisite: None
Registration: Opens Mar 28th, closes Friday, Apr 11th.
(My Online classes come with a 30-day full money-back guarantee if not satisfied with your online experience. This guarantee does not apply to my "in person" classes)
Note: The registration fee includes the official ICRT course manual, "Reiki, The Healing Touch, First and Second Degree Manual" by William Lee Rand. For Online classes, a Digital edition of this manual will be available online for life but not downloadable. For In-Person classes, a Hardcopy edition of the manual will be given out in class. Additional copies can be purchased from
With the combined Reiki I & II Workshop, see individual Reiki I and Reiki II sections above for details on what is covered on days 1 & 2.
After successfully completing this Reiki I & II workshop, you will be qualified in giving Reiki treatments to yourself and others. You will receive a certificate of Reiki I & II completion awarded by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) such as the one shown to the left.
Holy Fire® is a registered service mark of William Lee Rand
To Register & Purchase, click on the "PURCHASE - REIKI I & II (COMBINED)" button below. It will send you to my website's "In Store" page where you can select available courses to purchase.
Note: Only courses that are currently open for purchase are shown on my "In Store" page. If you have questions, go to my "Contact Me" page.
The Usui/Holy Fire III - Reiki Master including World Peace Reiki course offered here is actually a combination of two courses, the Advanced Reiki Training (ART) and the Reiki Master course. They are taught together in a single, intensive, three-day workshop, usually over a long weekend. In the ART portion of this course (Day 1), the focus is on special advanced Reiki techniques that will augment and enhance your Reiki energy. You will also receive special Experiences, a Placement and an Ignition to begin preparing you for the Reiki Master level. In the Reiki Master portion of this course (Days 2 & 3), you will receive Experiences and additional Ignitions to empower you with the highest Reiki energy yet, Holy Fire. You will also receive the necessary training to be able to empower and teach others how to use Reiki energies. Most people, after experiencing Holy Fire energy, are amazed at its unlimited potential. It's a game changer.
Price $300 Retake Fee: $75 (my students only)
William Rand (founder of Holy Fire Reiki) charges $1,375.00 for the same course
This is a three-day spiritual journey, allow 9 hours each day, including lunch:
Friday (6/20/25), Saturday (6/21/25) & Sunday (6/22/25)
Prerequisite: Reiki I & II completion at least 6 months prior to class.
Registration: Opens Jun 5th, closes Thursday, Jun 19th.
(My Online classes come with a 30-day full money-back guarantee if not satisfied with your online experience. This guarantee does not apply to my "in person" classes)
Note: The registration fee includes the official ICRT course manual, "Usui/ Holy Fire III, Reiki Master Manual, Online and In-Person, Including World Peace Reiki" by William Lee Rand. For Online classes, a Digital edition of this manual will be available online for life but not downloadable. For In-Person classes, a Hardcopy edition of the manual will be given out in class. Additional copies can be purchased from
Holy Fire® is a registered service mark of William Lee Rand
What Is Covered in the Reiki Master Workshop - Day One:
What Is Covered in the Reiki Master Workshop - Day Two:
What Is Covered in the Reiki Master Workshop - Day Three:
After successfully completing this Reiki Master workshop, you will be qualified to teach Usui/Holy Fire courses, including Reiki I & II, and the Reiki Master workshops. In addition, you will be qualified to teach both online and in person classes. You will receive a certificate of Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master completion awarded by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) such as the one shown to the left and above.
Holy Fire® is a registered service mark of William Lee Rand
To Register & Purchase, click on the "PURCHASE - REIKI MASTER" button below. It will send you to my website's "In Store" page where you can select available courses to purchase.
Note: Only courses that are currently open for purchase are shown on my "In Store" page. If you have questions, go to my "Contact Me" page.
The Registered Holy Fire III - Karuna Reiki Master including World Peace Reiki course offered here is the highest Reiki level. This course is taught in a single, intensive, three-day workshop, usually over a long weekend. You will receive special Experiences, a Placement and Four Ignitions to empower you with the Holy Fire Karuna Reiki energy. You will also receive the necessary training, course materials and course outlines in order to teach all Holy Fire classes, including Reiki I & II, the Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki Master workshops for both Online and In-Person classes. Most people, after completing this course, are amazed at its unlimited potential. Although this course is taught as the highest and last Reiki level, you will probably feel that your Reiki journey is just beginning. Enjoy your ride ahead.
This is a special short version Karuna Reiki Master class without the redundant material from my Reiki Master class of the previous week. Half the time so half the price.
Price $150 (50% discount) Retake Fee: $75 (my students only)
This is a three-day Spiritual journey, allow 4 hours each day:
Friday (6/27/25), Saturday (6/28/25) & Sunday (6/29/25)
Prerequisite: Open only to my Reiki Master students
Registration: Now Open Jun 12th, closes Thursday, Jun 26th.
(My Online classes come with a 30-day full money-back guarantee if not satisfied with your online experience. This guarantee does not apply to my "in person" classes)
Note: The registration fee includes the official ICRT course manual, "Registered Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master Training Manual, Online and In-Person, Including World Peace Reiki" by William Lee Rand. For Online classes, a Digital edition of this manual will be available online for life but not downloadable. For In-Person classes, a Hardcopy edition of the manual will be given out in class. Additional copies can be purchased from
Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand
What Is Covered in the Karuna Reiki Master Workshop - Day One:
What Is Covered in the Karuna Reiki Master Workshop - Day Two
What Is Covered in the Karuna Reiki Master Workshop - Day Three:
After successfully completing this workshop, you will be a Registered Karuna Reik Master, You will be qualified to teach all Holy Fire classes, including Reiki I & II, the Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki Master workshops. In addition, you will be qualified to teach both Online and In-Person classes. You will receive a certificate of Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master completion awarded by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) such as the one shown to the left and above.
Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand
To Register & Purchase, click on the "PURCHASE - KARUNA REIKI MASTER" button below. It will send you to my website's "In Store" page where you can select available courses to purchase.
Note: Only courses that are currently open for purchase are shown on my "In Store" page. If you have questions, go to my "Contact Me" page.
The Registered Holy Fire III - Kurna Reiki Master including World Peace Reiki course offered here is the highest Reiki level. This course is taught in a single, intensive, three-day workshop, usually over a long weekend. You will receive special Experiences, a Placement and Four Ignitions to empower you with the Holy Fire Karuna Reiki energy. You will also receive the necessary training, course materials and course outlines in order to teach all Holy Fire classes, including Reiki I & II, the Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki Master workshops for both Online and In-Person classes. Most people, after completing this course, are amazed at its unlimited potential. Although this course is taught as the highest and last Reiki level, you will probably feel that your Reiki journey is just beginning. Enjoy your ride ahead.
Price $300 Retake Fee: $75 (my students only)
William Rand (founder of Holy Fire Reiki) charges $1,375.00 for the same course
This is a three-day Spiritual journey, allow 9 hours each day, including lunch:
Friday (6/16/23), Saturday (6/17/23) & Sunday (6/18/23)
Prerequisite: Reiki Master any lineage
Registration: *** Currently Closed ***
(My Online classes come with a 30-day full money-back guarantee if not satisfied with your online experience. This guarantee does not apply to my "in person" classes)
Note: The registration fee includes the official ICRT course manual, "Registered Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master Training Manual" by William Lee Rand. For Online classes, a Digital edition of this manual will be available online for life but not downloadable. For In-Person classes, a Hardcopy edition of the manual will be given out in class. Additional copies can be purchased from
Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand
What Is Covered in the Karuna Reiki Master Workshop - Day One:
What Is Covered in the Karuna Reiki Master Workshop - Day Two
What Is Covered in the Karuna Reiki Master Workshop - Day Three:
After successfully completing this workshop, you will be a Registered Karuna Reik Master, You will be qualified to teach all Holy Fire classes, including Reiki I & II, the Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki Master workshops. In addition, you will be qualified to teach both Online and In-Person classes. You will receive a certificate of Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master completion awarded by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) such as the one shown to the left and above.
Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand
To Register & Purchase, click on the "PURCHASE - KARUNA REIKI MASTER" button below. It will send you to my website's "In Store" page where you can select available courses to purchase.
Note: Only courses that are currently open for purchase are shown on my "In Store" page. If you have questions, go to my "Contact Me" page.