Optimal health is achieved when there is harmony between your body, soul and environment. Addressing all three of these areas together will facilitate healing in each other and help bring you more quickly in alignment with your soul purpose. Healing your soul is only one part of the equation for personal health and well-being.
Soul Purpose
Details on Healing Your Soul
Healing energy can help dissolve negative patterns stored in the body, but if the root cause of a disease is with the soul, then the soul needs to be healed first or the disease will keep returning. The status and health of your soul is found in your personal Akashic Record. Clearing blocks and restrictions from this record can have a profound effect on your soul journey, personal relationships, health and well-being.
About Akashic Records. Every soul has an Akashic Record which stores all the information (blueprint) about their soul. All the choices that they have ever made or will make are found here. As a Soul Realignment® Practitioner, I am able to access the Akashic Record for a soul. With a little research, I can tell my clients who they are at soul level, such as, their soul's origination and characteristics, and their spiritual gifts. Also, if there are any blocks and/or restrictions keeping them from realizing their dreams. Once their soul has been restored to its original design, most people find that their life starts becoming a whole lot easier, healthier, happier and fulfilling.
Types of Soul Realignment Akashic Readings:
Basic Soul Realignment® Session with Debbie Nau Redmond . . . Price $300. This is the primary and most important Akashic Reading given. Discover who you are at soul level, your special qualities and gifts, and the blocks and restrictions keeping you from realizing your dreams. This reading involves about 2 - 3 hours of research, clearing work of your Akashic Record and a 1 to 2 hour conference call about the results.
Life Situations Session . . . Price $75. A special Akashic Reading that provides a deeper understanding of the blocks and restrictions that are affecting your current life situations. New types of clearing work are given to get your life "unstuck." This helps fine tune your Divine expression. A conference call will explain the reason for a current negative life situation and how to help resolve it.
Life Lessons & Relationships Session . . . Price $66.
Chakra Balancing & Healing Session . . . Price $66
Soul Realignment® is a registered trademark of Andrrea Hess
Soul Realignment® is a registered trademark of Andrrea Hess. It is a highly effective system for accessing information stored within the Akashic Records. Using this technique I am able to provide a client with important information about who they are at soul level, what are their special qualities and spiritual gifts and identify any blocks or restrictions that are keeping them from realizing their dreams. I am also able to clear blocks and restrictions from a client's Akashic Record, freeing them to finally express their true Divinity. Simply put, Soul Realignment is a game changer and can have a profound effect on anyone's life.
This is the primary and most important Akashic Reading given. Discover who you are at soul level, your special qualities and gifts, and the blocks and restrictions keeping you from realizing your dreams. This reading involves about 2 - 3 hours of research, clearing work of your Akashic Record and a 1 - 2 hour conference call about the results.
What information and healing is provided with a Basic Session:
Information about Divine Soul Blueprint: Where did your Soul originate? Does it have any overtone or underlays? What are your inherent Soul characteristics? What is the primary energy constituent and its characteristics making up your Divine Soul Blueprint? What is the organizing principle of your Soul that governs how you create?
Information about Soul Profile: What is your soul's vibration and specializations? What are your primary and secondary life lessons, and current archetypes that you embody and express? What is your current energetic statement? How well are you connected to Source, consciously and unconsciously? Are you blessed with white and blue lights (Beings of Light that provide support) in your energy field? Do you still have spheres of protection?
Information about Blocks & Restrictions. What are the blocks and restrictions that are preventing you from realizing your dreams? Here, I check your Aakashic Record to see if you have any of the following things or circumstances obstructing the expression of your Divinity:
Clearing Blocks & Restrictions. After completing the Soul Realignment research, the last step is to submit a request to the Hall of Akashic Records to restore your Divine Soul Blueprint to its original state as it was created by Divine Source at the time of your Soul's origination.
Client Homework. You will be given clearing homework to read daily in order to recondition your mind so that any unwanted patterns and habits stored in your subconscious are not rewritten back to your Akashic Record.
Akashic Record Reading Report.
A special Akashic Reading that provides a deeper understanding of the blocks and restrictions that are affecting your current life situations. New types of clearing work are given to get your life "unstuck." This helps fine tune your Divine expression. A conference call will explain the reason for a current negative life situation and how to help resolve it.
What information and healing is provided with a Life Situations Session:
Information and status of the Soul Energy Matrix
Information about Blocks & Restrictions. What are the blocks and restrictions that are responsible for your current Life Situations and that are preventing you from realizing your dreams? Here, I check your Akashic Record to see if you have any recurring blocks and restrictions from your previous Basic Session. Additionally, I check if any of the following things or circumstances are obstructing the expression of your Divinity:
Clearing Blocks & Restrictions. After completing the Soul Realignment research, the last step is to submit a request to the Hall of Akashic Records to restore your Divine Soul Blueprint to its original state as it was created by Divine Source at the time of your Soul's origination.
Client Homework. You will be given clearing homework to read daily in order to recondition your mind so that any unwanted patterns and habits stored in your subconscious are not rewritten back to your Akashic Record.
Akashic Record Reading Report
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