Welcome to Divine Mother’s Divine 7 course. “Divine 7” are the 7 Divine Trees, see above. These trees represent seven stages of spiritual growth and development. This course is a seven-week spiritual journey that awakens all aspects of our being for achieving spiritual enlightenment.
Who is Divine Mother? In the minds of many people, God refers to the Creator of all that is. However, here on earth, God has also been used to refer to some of our rulers who considered themselves gods. For the spiritual realm, the name God is too limiting, and therefore, they prefer to call our beloved Creator, Divine Source. Divine Father is the masculine expression of Divine Source and Divine Mother is the feminine expression of Divine Source. The three together form the Divine Trinity.
Divine Mother created seven Divine Trees, one Divine Tree for each of the seven stages of spiritual development. Each tree has unique energies that assist with spiritual growth. These ancient energies have not been used and enjoyed by mankind for at least 10,000 years.
In the ancient Pleiadian colonies of Lemuria and Atlantis, the Divine 7 energies were routinely used by most people, many of which since have ascended to higher spiritual realms. Following several major cataclysms on Earth, the knowledge of Divine 7 was lost. Divine Mother said that at the present moment there are only two people on Earth who have ever used the Divine 7 energies and she recruited both to develop her Divine 7 course.
Divine Mother said that the world is shifting and now is the time to bring back the Divine 7 energies. Mankind has grown enough that we are now ready for a boost in our spiritual growth. The reintroduction of the Divine 7 will create a powerful spiritual wave that will grow and spread throughout the world, awakening mankind to our true spiritual nature. You were chosen by Divine Mother to be part of this wave.
Over the course of several months, through Divine Mother’s inspiration, a group of us met usually once a week to experience and discuss each Divine Tree. In each meeting, Divine Mother would give us the essential knowledge and energies for a Divine Tree. As a team, we shared experiences and discussed or refined written material. When needed, Divine Mother would add new material to her course, change written material and answer questions. Divine Mother always let us express our free-will and creativity and decided to keep some of this material in her course in order to give it a human touch. Our group acknowledges the wonderful opportunity given to us in working closely with Divine Mother to recreate and redesign her Divine 7 for Earth. Divine Mother, thank you so very much for your Divine gift.
A “Tree” symbolically represents growth, stability, foundation, beauty and strength. A natural tree has roots that extend into the Earth for receiving water and nutrients. And, a canopy of branches with leaves that extend into the Heaven for receiving sunshine and nutrients for making building block materials. The shape of the tree with its canopy/trunk/roots serves to bridge heaven with earth. Likewise, a Divine Tree with its shape serves to bridge spirit with man. As above, so below.
Divine Mother created the Divine Trees. Their geometric shape collects, concentrates and focuses Divine energies needed by mankind for our spiritual growth and development. There are seven stages of Spiritual Enlightenment and a Divine Tree for each stage.
The Divine Trees are nothing like what we have ever experienced. Each Divine Tree has its own consciousness, intelligence, awareness and a unique set of Divine energies. The shape of the Tree collects Divine energies from above and below into a column of light, seen within its trunk. The unique energies expressed by the Divine Trees accelerate our spiritual growth in seven stages. Divine Mother said that the painting by Mario Duguay on the left resembles what the energy in a Divine Tree looks like to the Divine spirit realm. Note the person walking toward the Tree, there are seven steps, or stages, we need to traverse before ascension.
Divine Mother said that seven (7) is a spiritual number. A number of enlightenment, spiritual path, creation, guidance, intuition, inner awareness, meditation, wisdom, faith, spiritual choices, learning, growth, one’s own truth, insight, manifestation and serendipity. This is why there are 7 trees.
In the minds of many people, “7” is a simple number. For the Cosmic realm, seven (7) represents spirituality and its frequency resonates with all of creation, shaping Nature in ways that we cannot fathom. From behind the scenes, its subtle frequency tickles consciousness in such a way to make it move and manifest our dreams. It shapes our lives for spiritual growth and development.
When we look throughout Nature and our lives, we see the number “7” being expressed. There are “7” universes, "7" continents, “7” seas, “7” colors of a rainbow, “7” petals in a lotus flower, “7” chakras in our body, “7” stages of our spiritual development, “7” days in a week and “7” is a lucky energy represented in gambling, to name a few.
Divine Mother recommends that we apply the power of “7” to our daily living wherever possible. It will bring additional blessings and abundance to our endeavors. As you continue with this course, you will probably notice the many ways in which “7” has already been shaping your life.
In the Divine 7 course, the number “7” is emphasized in its design, as demonstrated in the following course description:
There are “7” stages in our spiritual development. Each stage is governed by a Divine Tree, so there are “7” Divine Trees. Each Divine Tree expresses itself through a different chakra, so there are “7” chakras. The course itself is “7” weeks long and Divine Mother wanted us to spend “7” days on each Divine Tree. The primary energy downloads, meditations and healing sessions in the course are each “7” minutes long. Each class is limited to “7” students.
In the above description, seven was used seven times.
All Divine Trees are comprised of the same three elements, or Divine energies, represented as a trinity: Element 1 - Divine Source/Spirit; Element 2 - Collective Consciousness; and Element 3 - Man/Soul. For every Divine Tree, its elemental energies come together to form a single column of light within its trunk.
For each of the 7 Divine Trees, starting with the same three elements, its Divine energy composition is altered to give it different properties. Listed below are the seven Divine Trees, showing the differences in their three elements. For every Tree, its elemental energies come together to form a single column of light within its trunk. Every Divine Tree serves a different purpose. There are seven stages of spiritual development and a Divine Tree for each stage.
Stage 1 - Tree of Life
Element 1 - Birth/Life Force Energy (Divine Source/Spirit).
Element 2 - Earth (Collective Consciousness).
Element 3 - Man/Individual (Man/Soul).
Stage 2 - Tree of Love
Element 1 - Love of All Living Things (Divine Source/Spirit).
Element 2 - Love of Family and Mankind (Collective Consciousness).
Element 3 - Love of Self (Man/Soul).
Stage 3 - Tree of Hope
Element 1 - True Spiritual Hope (Divine Source/Spirit).
Element 2 - External Hope (Collective Consciousness).
Element 3 - Internal Hope (Man/Soul).
Stage 4 - Tree of Knowledge
Element 1 - Present/Higher Self, Being in Present Moment (Divine Source/Spirit).
Element 2 - Future/Manifestation, Creating for Oneself and All (Collective Consciousness).
Element 3 - Past/Experiences, Soul Journey (Man/Soul).
Stage 5 - Tree of Balance
Element 1 - Emotional Well-being (Divine Source/Spirit).
Element 2 - Mental (Collective Consciousness).
Element 3 - Physical (Man/Soul).
Stage 6 - Tree of Peace
Element 1 - Eternal Emotions/ Peace (Divine Source/Spirit).
Element 2 - Outer Understanding (Collective Consciousness).
Element 3 - Releasing/Forgiveness (Man/Soul).
Stage 7 - Tree of Death
Element 1 - Rebirth (Divine Source/Spirit).
Element 2 - Enlightenment (Collective Consciousness).
Element 3 - Releasing/Letting Go of Past, Present and Future (Man/Soul)
This course is seven weeks long, and we meet just once a week for 1–2 hours. Each week, on your own, you will experience a different Divine Tree. During our weekly meetings, Divine Mother will bless us with the essential Divine energies for enabling that week’s Divine Tree experience.
Week One - Tree of Life
• Divine 7 course overview.
• Importance of Being in the Present Moment.
• A special Blue Rain Healing Session given by Divine Mother.
• Tree of Life introduction - its description, energies and purpose.
• Tree of Life installation, activation and meditation.
• Instructions for this week’s Divine Tree experience.
Week Two - Tree of Love
• Sharing Tree of Life experience (from previous week).
• A special Blue Rain Healing Session given by Divine Mother.
• Tree of Love introduction - its description, energies and purpose.
• Tree of Love installation, activation and meditation.
• Instructions for this week’s Divine Tree experience.
Week Three - Tree of Hope
• Sharing Tree of Love experience (from previous week).
• A special Blue Rain Healing Session given by Divine Mother.
• Tree of Hope introduction - its description, energies and purpose.
• Tree of Hope installation, activation and meditation.
• Instructions for this week’s Divine Tree experience.
Week Four - Tree of Knowledge
• Sharing Tree of Hope experience (from previous week).
• A special Blue Rain Healing Session given by Divine Mother.
• Tree of Knowledge introduction - its description, energies and purpose.
• Tree of Knowledge installation, activation and meditation.
• Instructions for this week’s Divine Tree experience.
Week Five - Tree of Balance
• Sharing Tree of Knowledge experience (from previous week).
• A special Blue Rain Healing Session given by Divine Mother.
• Tree of Balance introduction - its description, energies and purpose.
• Tree of Balance installation, activation and meditation.
• Instructions for this week’s Divine Tree experience.
Week Six - Tree of Peace
• Sharing Tree of Balance experience (from previous week).
• A special Blue Rain Healing Session given by Divine Mother.
• Tree of Peace introduction - its description, energies and purpose.
• Tree of Peace installation, activation and meditation.
• Instructions for this week’s Divine Tree experience.
Week Seven - Tree of Death
• Sharing Tree of Peace experience (from previous week).
• A special Blue Rain Healing Session given by Divine Mother.
• Tree of Death introduction - its description, energies and purpose.
• Tree of Death installation, activation and meditation.
• Instructions for this week’s Divine Tree experience.
Last Day of Course (mandatory bonus class)
• Sharing Tree of Death experience (from previous week).
• A special Blue Rain Healing Session given by Divine Mother.
• Special bonus from Divine Mother.
• End of Divine 7 course instructions..
Divine Mother is looking to start a new spiritual wave. Anyone who is open and has the desire to help others and would like to become a teacher of the Divine 7 Course, please contact us to see if you qualify. As a teacher, you will be creating your own spiritual wave, and your students, in turn, who become teachers, will create their own spiritual waves. In this way, the energies of the Divine Trees will begin spreading around the world at this time of great spiritual need.
Divine Mother wants people to experience, understand and apply the Divine Tree energies to their lives for about 3 months before applying for teacher training. When you are ready, you will know, and then, contact your teacher. However, you need to understand that just because you apply for teacher training, it doesn’t mean that you will be approved by Divine Mother. She may decide that you are not ready yet because you need to experience the Trees longer and receive more healing, or simply, she has other amazing plans for you that doesn’t involve you becoming a teacher of the Divine 7 Course. If you are sincerely interested in teaching, preserving and honoring the Copy Rights of the Divine 7 Course, a new spiritual journey awaits you.
This is Divine Mother’s course. Join Her for a truly special 7-week spiritual journey. We meet once a week for not more than two hours on the same day and time. There are only a few spaces available for each class. We are limited to 7 people per class.
Prerequisite: Everyone 16 and older is welcome.
Class options still available with Eugene Nau, pick one:
A) Mondays, 9am to 11am Mountain Time, first class meets on Monday, 9/16/24.
B) Thursdays, 6pm to 8pm Mountain Time, first class meets on Thursday, 9/19/24.
C) Wednesdays, 6pm to 8pm Mountain Time, first class meets on Wednesday, 9/25/24.
More classes can be added if needed.
Time Zone Converter: https://dateful.com/time-zone-converter
Use Denver, Colorado as my hometown.
Make Reservation:
To make sure that we don't exceed our class size limit of 7, at this time, I'm only taking class reservations by a first come, first serve basis. Once a class becomes full (7 students), it is immediately closed, students can then register and pay their course fee.
Note: when choosing a reservation, look ahead seven weeks (plus one day) to make sure that you don't have any scheduling conflicts. To reserve a spot in a class (pick one), contact me through this website's "Contact Me" page or email me at EugeneNau@aol.com
Payment Request:
When your class becomes full, you will be sent a payment request. The 7-week Divine 7 Course has a one-time, upfront fee of $196 US dollars, this works out to be $28 per week.
Divine Mother set the price at $196, 1 + 9 + 6 = 16, and then, 1 + 6 = 7. The number "7" has a spiritual significance.
We prefer an upfront fee because Divine Mother said that students would be more inclined to complete the full course. This course has a seven-week commitment, and therefore, no refunds are given, except for extenuating circumstances at the beginning of the course.
Course Materials:
Classes meet once a week on the same day and time. One or two days prior to each weekly meeting, students will receive Divine Mother's class notes for the Divine Tree of that week.
For more information, email me at EugeneNau@aol.com or call +1 (720) 502-0799.
When available, click on the "Purchase Product" button. It will send you to my website's "Shop" page where you can select your reserved Divine 7 Course to purchase.
Note: Only courses that are currently open for purchase are shown on my "Shop" page.
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