Optimal health is achieved when there is harmony between your body, soul and environment. Addressing all three of these areas together will facilitate healing in each other and help bring you more quickly in alignment with your soul purpose. Healing your body is only one part of the equation for personal health and well-being.
I employ a variety of healing modalities for working with my client's health issues. Each modality offers a unique kind of healing energy that compliments the other modalities. This enables me to give my clients the best and most appropriate healing experience tailored for them.
* The price for a healing session is based on time. For any healing modality, whether done in person or by distant healing, the price is: $60 for 60 minutes or $75 for 90 minutes.
* To schedule a healing session: Go to the website's "Contact Me" page which shows my email address and phone number. Let me know your interest.
The primary healing modalities used:
Specialty Healing (90 minute session): Using a unique Seraphim Blueprint healing protocol, all types of Seraphic healing energies along with blessings requested from Angels or other Beings of Light of your choice are mixed in the best combination and appropriate intensities tailored specifically for your health needs at this time.
Distant Healing: Price same as in person (see above). Many people prefer distant healing because it allows them to remain in the comfort of their home for a healing session that is usually as effective as in person. Your first distant healing session is free to see if it meets your expectations! Schedule an appointment today.
Divine Mother Energy - Blue Rain of Concentrated Divine Love: Price is based on time as given above. This is a specialty healing provided through the grace of Divine Mother. Allow for about 10 to 15 minutes to create an energy sphere around a person, fill it with Blue Rain and then direct it to heal the person. This is a new energy from Divine Mother for mankind that has never been on Earth before. We are still learning about all of its wonderful uses. Think of it as healing the body by polishing the Soul. For more information, click on the "About Divine Mother Energies" button below.
Divine Mother Energy - Divine Panchakarma Healing. Price is based on time as given above. This is a specialty healing provided through the grace of Divine Mother and her Panchakarma Team of Healing Masters. There are 21 different Divine Panchakarma Energies available for cleaning, healing and perfecting different aspects of the human body. Each of these divine energies takes about eight to ten minutes to complete. Depending on need, one or all sixteen divine energies can be used in creating a healing experience that is tailored for your unique situation. For a detailed description, click on the "About Divine Mother Energies" button below.
Planetary Washes: Price is $15 for a single wash (9 minutes). Can be done in person or by distant healing. This is a unique healing modality offered by Seraphim Blueprint that uses the healing energy from planets. For more information, click on the "About Planetary Washes "button below.
If you want to schedule a healing session, or you want additional information, "Click" on the button below. This will send you to the website's "Contact Me" page which shows my email address and phone number. Let me know your interest.
Reiki is an ancient “laying on hands” healing modality that uses the universal life force energy that permeates and radiates from all living things. This energy goes by many different names from around the world. In China, it’s called Qi or Chi; in Japan, it’s referred to as Ki; the North American Iroquois used Orenda in their healing rituals; and in India the healing life force is Prana, the breath of life. In Hebrew, it’s termed Ruach; in Islam, Barakah; and in Christianity, Holy Spirit. In science, we simply call it pulse biomagnetic field energy. It really doesn’t matter what you call it, or from what culture your ancestors come, the healing force is the same. It is present within everyone and everything and we all have the innate ability to use this life force energy in healing ourselves and others.
Most of us, whether we know it or not, probably have already used the basic principles of Reiki in our daily lives. If you have ever bumped your knee or stubbed your toe, what did you do? Most people, without hesitation, will grab their knee or toe with their hands and embrace it. Why? It's as if, we all instinctively know that our hands have the healing power to relieve pain.
When we use our hands to comfort pain, we are actually transferring and focusing life force energy to the injured area. A Reiki practitioner is someone who has been attuned to this universal life force energy and their body’s energy channels have been opened and cleared of obstructions to allow for greater energy flow. Reiki is the transfer and focus of the highest healing energy from one person to another.
Let me make one thing clear, a Reiki practitioner doesn’t actually heal anyone but rather the universal life force energy that flows through them, unobstructed, does the healing. A Reiki practitioner merely serves as a lens to focus and direct life force energy.
The word Reiki is Japanese and is derived from two words. Rei, meaning "Spirit", and Ki, meaning "life force energy". Taken together, Reiki means "spiritually guided life force energy." Reiki is the vital force that comes directly from God, the highest Source of all that is.
Reiki can be used for everyone, of any race, creed, or age. It can be given anywhere, at anytime, and for any situation. Reiki is truly a universal life force energy for all of Life.
The most popular Reiki in the world is Usui Reiki Ryoho (healing system) named after Mikao Usui (1865-1926), a Japenese monk, who was the founder of this style of Reiki in 1922. Usui Reiki differs from the other styles of Reiki from that time period in that Mikao Usui was given the insight for a special attunement process enabling him to more easily teach others to become Reiki Practitioners and Master Teachers. With Usui's Reiki healing system, the practice of Reiki has spread around the world. Today, millions of people practice Reki on themselves and others for relieving stress and pain and promoting good health and an inner state of peace and tranquility.
In a typical Reiki session, the client will be lying fully clothed on a massage table. A session begins when the practitioner lays his or her hands on the client, life force energy will flow through the practitioner into the client. Hand positions will vary depending on the Reiki style.
In the Western style, the practitioner, in a systematic manner, will lay his or her hands first at specific positions on the head, then neck, the shoulders, abdomen, knees, feet, and finishing with areas on the back. Hands are simply held at each position, lightly touching or slightly away from the body for 5 to 7 minutes. An entire session will take about 60 to 90 minutes to complete. Shorter sessions or giving Reiki to only an afflicted area can be done as well. What I like about the Western style, and its multiple hand positions, is that the entire body from head to toe becomes saturated with life force energy, including all the internal vital organs of the body. As Reiki energy moves through the body, it relaxes and increases blood flow to each area. It also opens Chakras and meridians, the primary means through which vital force energy is distributed throughout the body. During a full Reiki session, most people experience feelings of peace, well-being and such deep relaxation that they usually fall asleep.
The Japanese style, as originally taught by Mikao Usui, does not use any specific hand positions. Instead, a practitioner is guided by their intuition, results of body scanning, or client request to all the specific areas of the client’s body that need attention. Often when using this approach, after relieving a specific area of its pain and discomfort, a new area will require attention, and then a third, fourth, and other areas pop up as well. So, you may find yourself chasing after the pain as your client’s body directs you where to go. The commonality between multiple locations of pain is that usually they are different spots on the same meridian. One advantage of the Japanese style is that it’s faster than the Western style because it’s more surgical in its approach.
According to the principles of Reiki, our health, whether spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical, is dependent upon the availability of life force energy. When your life force energy is low, you will have poor resistance to stress, your immune system will be weakened and you will become more vulnerable to dis-ease. When your life force energy is strong, you will have good resistance to stress, a strong immune system and will have protection from disease. Reiki is a technique that increases a person’s supply of life force energy, and therefore, it is beneficial for healthy and unhealthy people alike.
Those people who are suffering with health issues, the root cause is often an energy imbalance due to stagnation or blockage of the flow of life force energy. A Reiki treatment gets life force energy and blood containing vital nutrients flowing again into the afflicted areas. This invokes our inherent healing abilities to take care of the issue and restore harmony to the afflicted areas. Not surprisingly, Reiki is useful for all kinds of minor conditions, everything from headaches to ankle sprain injuries. Reiki energy relieves pain and promotes healing of injured tissues. A Reiki treatment also promotes spiritual and psychological healing as well. It reduces stress, anxiety, anger, fear and depression, and replaces these unhealthy feelings with a sense of calmness, peace and tranquility. Reiki treatments are a good way of keeping the supply of your life force energy strong and flowing in order to sustain balance and harmony in all aspects of your life.
Reiki treatments can also sometimes have miraculous results! We will let you be the judge of that. Reiki energy comes from God, the Source of all that is, and there is no limit to the possibilities of what God can do for your health or in reshaping your life. Sometimes good health results after finding the right doctor or teacher. Reiki energy also helps in making these kind of serendipitous events happen more frequently in your daily life.
If you enjoy Reiki sessions, why not learn how to give your own sessions? Reiki is simple and easy to learn; anyone can learn it, and there are no prerequisites. Once you’ve learned, you will be able to give Reiki energy to yourself and others. "Click" the button for more information.
Disclaimer: Reiki healing energy is never intended to replace the essential services provided by trained Health Care Professionals.
About 13,000 years ago, a group of Seraphim Angels created and placed into the aether that surrounds Earth a cosmological system of Seraphim energies for mankind that would help us through Mother Earth/Gaia’s Spiritual Emergence and promote our well-being and spiritual growth. Today, this system of Seraphim energies is known as the Seraphim Blueprint.
Most of these energies were designed specifically for our spiritual evolution and personal development only. However, several of the original energies, along with recently added energies, are specialized for healing us and others.
The Seraphic energies used here provide some of the most powerful and unique healing tools I have ever seen. A description of some of these energies are given below.
The price of any healing session is based on time: $60 for 60 minutes and $75 for 90 minutes.
Two of the original Seraphim Blueprint energies designated for healing are Seraphim Life Force Energy and Divine Harmonizer. These two energies can be used together and complement each other. The Seraphic Life Force Energy repairs and heals the spirit, mind and body. This energy transcends space and time and can be sent over long distances or into the past or future for healing. The Divine Harmonizer energy replaces negative energy patterns with harmonizing patterns to lay a foundation for optimal health. It also harmonizes the flow of energy throughout the body.
The seraphic life force energy can also be employed as a special Seraphic surgery tool. Here, a powerful Seraphic energy field is created between the hands of the practitioner for healing specific areas of their client's body. Typically, this technique is used for 3 to 7 minutes on a problem area of the body and repeated once a week for seven weeks for complete healing.
Within this Seraphim Blueprint healing specialty, a technique is provided to auto mix all the Seraphic healing energies, including planetary washes, in the most appropriate intensities and proportions tailored specifically for my client. Moreover, energies from other healing modalities, such as Reiki, and/or blessings from requested Angels and Ascended Masters can be combined with the Seraphic healing energies to give my client a truly unique healing experience.
Seraphic Light is a healing energy derived from the Seraphim Angels. This high vibrational energy has never been on our planet before. It consists of a set of specialty energy tools, some of which are unique and amazingly effective for healing.
When a client comes to me for a healing session, I generally start with three Seraphic Light energies:
One of my favorite Seraphic Light energies is Seraphic Laser. When invoked, a Seraphic light is emitted from the palm Chakras that mimics a laser in its use. The Seraphic laser is helpful in reducing pain and inflammation. It relaxes and increases blood flow in a targeted area. It has also been reported to help reduce wrinkles, scars and uneven pigmentation in the skin. At high intensities, it can also be used to blast out negative entities and negative energy patterns affecting my client.
Seraphim Aqua Dynamics consists of a new set of unique Seraphic energy tools that specifically focus on enhancing our ability to interact with water molecules in our body. The human body is essentially a bag of mostly water, about 66-75% by mass (weight). Since water molecules are extremely tiny, this means that they make up about 97-99% of all molecules in the human body. Hence, water plays a critical role in all aspects of the structure and function of our bodies.
Places in the body where water (fluid) becomes stagnant often result in disease and degeneration. Sometimes healing can be achieved by simply getting water, and the life force energy and nutrients it carries, moving again into the diseased tissue.
Traditionally, energy work involves saturating your client and/or their affected area with healing energy until their body is able to hold onto new healing patterns. With the Seraphim Aqua Dynamics, a much different approach is used. Here, its energy tools are at vibrations that resonate with water, enabling them to restructure water molecules so they can accommodate more energy and be imprinted with new healing patterns.
Several of the energetic tools I use from Seraphim Aqua Dynamics include:
Most people know about the healing power of natural quartz crystals. They have been used by healers and priests for millennia. Natural quartz has the ability to collect, amplify, and direct energy. They can be empowered with all kinds of healing energies, such as life force energy or even the astrological qualities of planets.
The nature of Etheric Crystals. Crystalline structures can also be grown from energy, forming etheric crystals, which possess many of the properties of natural quartz crystals, including healing, but without physical limitations. They can be created any place inside, or on the outside, of one’s body to anchor, collect, amplify, and radiate special healing energies. Large etheric crystals that encompass the entire body are useful in helping heal systemic issues, such as inflammation, pain, autoimmune diseases and cancer. Smaller etheric crystals grown inside the body at a specific spot, such as an injured or arthritic joint, can greatly accelerate its healing. There is a lot of flexibility in the size of etheric crystals that can be used. For instance, if a person is inflicted with heart disease, one large etheric crystal that encompasses the entire heart could be created, or alternatively, millions of microscopic etheric crystals, one inside each and every cell of the heart, could also be created. Either approach would provide 24/7 healing energy, but with a different emphasis.
Etheric crystals have consciousness and intelligence. As strange as this may sound, when an etheric crystal is first created and charged with Seraphim life force energy, it develops its own consciousness, intelligence, awareness, and forms a relationship with its creator. An etheric crystal can be created of any size, anyplace and for practically any kind of purpose. Since these etheric crystals have awareness, they need to periodically be checked on, preferably on a daily basis, to make sure they are okay and determine whether an additional infusion of energy or new kinds of energy would be useful in their development. Etheric crystals need nurturing and should never be abandoned.
Using Seraphim etheric crystals. When I use etheric crystals in healing work, I consult my client’s Higher Self, Spirit Guide Team or access their Akashic Record for pertinent information about their health. Guidance received helps me select the appropriate healing energy for programming an etheric crystal. Also, I get information about the optimal size and location where an etheric crystal(s) should be created within or on my client’s body. I continue working with my client’s Spirit Guide Team in making daily adjustments to the etheric crystal(s) as needed through the healing process. Once the healing has been completed, or the etheric crystal is no longer needed, I thank the etheric crystal for its service and work closely with it in its dissolution and release of its energies back into the ether surrounding Earth.
I have found that etheric crystals are an amazing healing tool that complement all my other healing modalities very nicely. They enable me to provide my clients with special 24/7 healing at specific troubled areas of their body or simply areas that they want to give extra love and healing.
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If you enjoy receiving Seraphim healing energies, why not learn how to heal yourself and others. Learn Seraphim Blueprint today. "Click" the button for more information.
Disclaimer: Seraphim Blueprint energies are never intended to replace the essential services provided by trained Health Care Professionals.
Divine Mother is the feminine expression of Divine Source, our beloved Creator of all that is. In contrast to Divine Father or Heavenly Father who is the masculine expression of Divine Source. Teachings of Eastern religions and philosophies, especially in India, are based upon Divine Mother in which we and everything in Nature have always been and will always be one with Her. None of us have ever been truly alone. She is the unifying force behind everything. Divine Mother comes in the name of Truth, Wholeness, Love, Compassion, and Totality.
Throughout the history of the Cosmos, there has always been a struggle between forces of Light and Dark. Divine Source created both and neither can exist without the other. They give meaning to each other by showing what each is not. They are opposing forces. This is the duality of Life, the Yin and Yang, and it is the play between opposites and their blending that creates diversity, balance and harmony in Life. Neither forces of Light nor forces of Dark are good or evil. Good and evil is a concept of man, not God. In Nature, things just happen the way they were meant. Nature does not take sides, Her main focus is always on protecting the balance of Life.
Today, however, there is a gross imbalance between the forces of Light and Dark here on Earth. Over the past few millennia, billions and billions of demonic and dark entities were drawn here to provide contrast and disrupt Earth’s imminent transformation and the spiritual awakening of mankind. To thwart their efforts and restore balance during these challenging times, Divine Mother has made available to us special healing energies, some of which have never been here on Earth before.
Divine Mother worked with Lord Dhanvantari, Master Healing Angels and Devas and several Ascended Masters to create a set of unique energies needed by Earth and mankind. John Chandler, through Divine Mother’s guidance, has taken on the role of making these new energies available to mankind. Two of these special Divine Mother Energies that I use with my healing work are described below:
History. John Chandler had asked Divine Mother for help in battling what appeared to be an overwhelming amount of dark entities and negativity on Earth. Divine Mother’s approach was just what you would expect. She uses Divine Love not to harm or destroy dark entities, but rather to embrace and fill them with love, changing them from dark entities into Beings of Light, thereby restoring balance. Remember, Divine Source created all things, both forces of Light and Dark, and each has a role to play so you don’t want to destroy all darkness otherwise that would in itself cause imbalance. You’ve probably heard the expression that love heals all, but human love, for most of us, is conditional, inconsistent and usually not powerful enough to make an impact. Whereas Divine Mother’s Love is unconditional and can be expanded to infinity. According to John Chandler, in the Celestial Realm, Divine Mother’s Love when concentrated appears as a blue liquid. Since it can be sprinkled on people and dark entities as a light rain to purify them, John coined the name “Blue Rain of Concentrated Divine Love.”
Demonic and Dark Entities. Blue Rain can be used to transform demonic and dark entities into Beings of Light, thereby helping restore balance of forces on Earth. Wherever Blue Rain comes in contact with anything demonic, dark or negative, it bleaches it white as it becomes purified. This is how you can tell that the Blue Rain is working. John Chandler has outlined a procedure for dealing with demonic and dark entities. The first step is to call them forth and inform them that they are not being attacked and will not be harmed, but rather, you are here to help them and make them feel better. They are told that Divine Mother is giving them a “once in a lifetime” opportunity to switch sides from Dark to Light. Next, Divine Mother is asked to please create and surround each entity with a personal energy sphere, lined inside with a polished, shiny, reflective surface to keep everything inside. Beings of Light are asked to be assigned to its outside as guardians to protect and maintain the structural integrity of the energy sphere and to keep anything from escaping. Then, Divine Mother is asked to fill the energy sphere with “Blue Rain of Concentrated Divine Love,” completely saturating all aspects of the entity. Energy spheres with Blue Rain are kept intact for as long as needed. Usually after one to three days, most entities become purified enough that they are ready for the next step in their spiritual journey. If you encounter a demonic or dark entity that is especially nasty and powerful, ask Divine Mother for special help. Once entities have become purified enough, they are taken to be with Divine Mother in the highest Celestial Realm where she completes the process of their transformation. All transformed Beings are given the freedom of choice to remain with Divine Mother or return to Earth, now as Beings of Light, to help Earth and mankind.
Note: Over the past several years, “Blue Rain” has been used to clear out pockets of demonic and dark entities at various places around the world. For the first time in ages, we are now beginning to see signs of growing hope for mankind. You won’t hear about this in the news because mostly sensationalism of tragic and horrific events are reported. But, trust me, behind the scenes, there is now a growing light of goodness. Many wonderful events have been happening all over the world. I invite you to help us finish purging the world of its remaining demonic and dark entities.
Human Beings. Blue Rain of Concentrated Divine Love can be used in healing us by essentially “polishing” our Soul. My first step is to ask Divine Mother if she would please create and surround a person with an energy sphere and fill it with "Blue Rain of Concentrated Divine Love," completely saturating all aspects of their Being. Next, I ask Divine Mother if she would please unzip and open all the energy layers of that person, starting from their outermost, working in to their inner (spirit, mental, emotional, etheric, and physical layers). The Blue Rain is used to wash out each layer. Any demonic, dark or negative energy patterns, and anything that doesn’t belong, is bleached white by the Blue Rain. Sometimes huge amounts of dark junk may fall out from a person’s opened energy layers, especially their emotional and mental layers. Once all layers are thoroughly cleaned, the next step is to zip-up and seal each layer, starting from their inner, working out to their outermost layer. I then request Divine Mother if she would please remove all the blocks, restrictions, patterns, and habits that are keeping a person from realizing their dreams, manifesting their divinity on Earth and experiencing Divine wonder and joy in their lives. Also, if she would please restore a person’s Divine Soul Blueprint to its original state at the time of their Soul’s origination, but retaining all Soul memories and learning experiences. I finish a healing session by asking Divine Mother if she would please use the Blue Rain and any other appropriate energy to heal all aspects of person’s spirit, mind, and body that need to be addressed. I let a person incubate with the Blue Rain for one to three days depending on their need, after which, the energy sphere and any residual Blue Rain is dissolved.
Note: The Blue Rain is so powerful that it can strip a person’s spirit, mind, and body of any negative, dark or unwanted energy patterns and habits. It heals by polishing the Soul. After using Blue Rain, performed in the manner described above, a person’s Akashic Record and Divine Soul Blueprint are pretty much cleaned of negative energy patterns and restored to their original state. However, a person’s Soul memories and learning experiences are retained in the process. If you truly want to change your life, Blue Rain energy will give you the freedom to actually do so because it removes those negative blocks and restrictions that were holding you back.
History. The Vedic civilization was one of the first great civilizations of mankind and was seated in the Indus Valley of today’s West Pakistan. Tens of thousands of years ago the Avatar Lord Dhanvantari had cognized a complete system of healthcare known today as Ayurveda. The branch of Ayurveda that deals with the cleansing and purification of the body is called Panchakarma.
Today, traditional Panchakarma uses a variety of oils and herbs to extract toxins from the body. A full treatment, taking 2 to 3 weeks to complete, may involve a daily massage with warm oils and herb-oils. As well as, the use of herbs to induce bowel movements, vomiting or respiratory discharges to rid the body of accumulated toxins. A person may pay as much as $10,000 for a traditional full Panchakarma treatment. The health benefits of such a treatment are enormous. Once toxins and stresses are completely purged from the body, it begins to function normally and becomes a better vessel for the Soul. Almost any disease or health condition can be improved with a soothing traditional Panchakarma treatment.
Divine Panchakarma Energy. What is generally not known, a traditional Panchakarma treatment also has an energetic component to it. The mixture of select oils and herbs used has a unique healing vibration that tickles negative energy patterns to be released from the body. Almost all diseased tissues in the body have negative vibrations that will attract negative/dark entities of similar vibration to them, aggravating and prolonging the disease condition. By first releasing negative energy pattern(s) and attached negative entities, if any, from a diseased tissue, and then, imprinting a positive healing energy pattern in its place, restoration of health is greatly accelerated. The reason Divine Panchakarma Energy is so effective at healing is because it works concurrently with one’s spirit, mind and body on all dimensional levels to create balance and harmony in all energy layers and systems of one's entire Being. Once a person’s spirit, mind and body become optimized in this way, they will be blessed with perfect health.
The Team of Master Healers. What is so special and unique about the Divine Panchakarma Healing is that it uses only the energetic component, not the oils or herbs, of traditional Panchakarma plus so much more. Other kinds of specialty healing energies were blended with the traditional Panchakarma energy component to amplify and extend its healing capabilities. Divine Mother had worked with Dhanvantari, the Lord of Ayurvedic Medicine, who has total knowledge of Ayurveda and perfect health on all levels and systems. Also, Master Healing Angels and Devas, who possess knowledge of perfect health. As well as, Charaka (born 300 BC), the father of modern day Ayurveda, who has complete knowledge of Ayurveda and Panchakarma. Divine Mother, together with her Team of Master Healers, created a truly amazing new healing modality for mankind, the likes of which has never been on Earth before.
Divine Panchakarma Energy has its own consciousness. It is intelligent and highly adaptable to any health issue. Since it is pure energy, it is faster and can more deeply penetrate into the physical body than traditional Panchakarma healing using oils. Divine Panchakarma Healing, with the help of its Master Healers, transcends space and time. In other words, Divine Panchakarma Healing is not limited by physical barriers and so it can be administered distantly. Also, a healing session is not limited by time, and so, if the root cause of a person’s current health issue is the result of something they did in their past or past life, then, if needed, the healing can go back in time and change it. Truly there are no limitations or barriers to the power of Divine Panchakarma Healing, anything is possible.
Healing Sessions. A Divine Panchakarma Healing is very simple and easy to perform. The first step is to make yourself comfortable and relaxed the best you can usually by lying down on a comfortable couch or bed. Next, we call upon Divine Mother and her entire Team of Master Healers to be with you. Some people may experience the presence of Divine Mother. When you are ready, Divine Mother is asked to run the Divine Panchakarma Healing for you.
The Divine Energy works mostly in the background behind the scenes of all aspects of your Being and across all dimensions and time. As a recipient, all you have to do is simply keep your general awareness on your body and the healing process. If your mind wanders and you find yourself thinking about work or some other issue or person in your life, then simply bring your awareness back to your body to keep the healing process going. This is important because it shows that you are now taking responsibility for your health issues. This is how the karma behind your illness gets released.
During the healing process, most people will have the sensation that the energy starts out working on a particular part/area of their body, and then, after a while, on its own, moves to a new area, and then another and another. This is normal because no disease or health condition is an isolated event. All areas of our body are interconnected and interact with each other through an energy network. If a disease manifests in one area of the body, the root cause sometimes is found in multiple areas that seemingly are hidden and not related. The Divine Panchakarma Energy is intelligent and always knows where to direct itself and in the proper sequence. A healing session normally will last between eight to ten minutes, and then the energy will fade away, signifying that the session is over for now. Repeat daily as needed until your health concern has been fully resolved.
My Testimonial. While trail running in a nearby State Park, I double tripped over several root stumps sticking up in the trail. As I fell forward, just for a moment, it seemed as though time had stopped. Suspended in midair, I felt a force bend my head forward, bringing my chin to my chest and also rolling my body forward a little. In what seemed to be slow motion now, I continued falling forward and landed face first on a large, solid, tree root, jutting out from the side of the trail, scraping the bridge of my nose and banging my forehead really hard. Ouch!. It took me about five minutes to get the bleeding to stop before I could resume my run. I had immediately recognized that in the span of about a second in which the accident had taken place, if my body had not been mysteriously re-positioned in midair, I probably would have landed on my chin or mouth and possibly knocked out a bunch of teeth.
It took me several hours get home. After washing off the dried blood, I couldn’t help but notice that I had a large swollen, black and blue, lump in the middle of my forehead along with a deep cut and scab. The bridge of my nose was swollen and badly bruised. Skin had been scraped off along the top of my nose and I had to trim the loosely hanging skin. With blood draining internally down both sides of my nose and starting to pool under my eyes, I was certain that I would end up with two black eyes. I was a mess.
In preparation to treat my face injuries with Divine Panchakarma Energy, I first got myself comfortable by laying back in my recliner. I asked Divine Mother and her entire Panchakarma Team of Master Healers to be with me. And then, asked Divine Mother if she would please run a Divine Panchakarma Healing. This had an immediate calming effect on me which was good because I was still upset with myself for not being more careful while running. After about five minutes, I asked Divine Mother and her Master Healers, if they would now please put special attention on healing my forehead and nose. Immediately, I felt a heavy physical pressure pushing down on these injuries. It had a deep penetrating warmth that was soothing because it was melting away my pain. In my mind’s eye, I could see what appeared to be a hand pushing down on my face with bright white light shining from underneath and out its sides. The intense and focused healing continued for about 5 minutes and then faded away over the following few minutes, letting me know the healing session had ended.
Immediately following, I looked in a mirror and could see that all the swelling and bruising was gone from my face, only large scabs on my forehead and nose remained. My face looked much, much better. I planned to continue with a daily healing session until it was no longer needed. By the fifth day, the last scabbing had dried up and flaked off. My face was completely healed. Normally, it takes about 2 to 3 weeks to heal a skin abrasion like mine because that’s how long it takes to grow a new epidermal layer of the skin. Thank you Divine Mother.
Now to address the mysterious re-positioning of my body during the fall. My understanding is that Divine Panchakarma Energy transcends space and time. So, if needed, it can extend itself back in time to change the outcome of events. According to my Source, that is exactly what happened. During the first go around (alternate timeline), I had actually landed on my chin and fractured my jaw. Apparently Divine Mother and her team of Master Healers thought it would be easier to heal skin abrasions on my face than to mend a broken jaw, and so, they changed the outcome of my initial fall. Thank you very much.
If you find the Divine Mother Energies fascinating and would like to learn more, "Click" the button below. It will send you to John Chandler's website at https://www.divinemotherenergies.com Here, John goes into greater detail about each of these new energies. If you are interested, John also offers classes on how to use Divine Mother Energies for yourself.
Our Sun and the planets of our solar system emit subtle cosmic energies that are essential for all aspects of our well-being. Unfortunately, however, in our modern times, much of these energies are unable to get through to us because they are being absorbed, transformed, or blocked by pollution smog, electronic smog, and negative thought-form energies now surrounding our planet. Planetary Washes provide us with additional doses of these essential and beneficial energies.
Planetary Washes are unique to Seraphim Blueprint. They are a supreme gift from the Seraphim Angels to mankind. Ruth Rendely, the Founder of the Seraphim Blueprint, had channeled these amazing planetary energies from one of the original Seraphim Angels who created the Seraphim Blueprint and was taught how to access and use them for the benefit of mankind.
Planetary Washes provide beneficial energies to counteract negative aspects of one's astrological profile. Think of planetary washes as astrological medicine to treat the symptoms of cosmological disharmony in your life. A western astrologer can read your astrological chart but usually can do little at helping with what has been revealed other than warn you. A Joytish astrologer sometimes will recommend wearing specific gemstones or having special Yagyas (rituals) performed to help mitigate the negative aspects of a planet, but these methods are usually costly and not practical for most people. In contrast, key Planetary Washes given at the appropriate times can neutralize all negative aspects of one's astrological chart. Their beneficial effects are immediate, can be varied in intensity, and usually last for about a month, after which time, they can be repeated if necessary. Planetary Washes are inexpensive, convenient, powerful and can make a huge difference in the lives of many people, especially those who are sensitive to energy and aware of astrological influences.
Planetary Washes have a huge healing potential too. They can temporarily provide certain beneficial energies to your spirit, mind and body that have become deficient or that were never present. Hence, you can also think of planetary washes as astrological vitamins for your total Being. Each kind of Planetary Wash provides healing to specific Chakras and organ systems of the body. They can also bolster certain desirable qualities in you, remove certain mental blocks and restrictions, enabling you to now make the necessary changes in your life to realize your dreams.
Disclaimer: Planetary Washes are never intended to replace the essential services provided by trained Healthcare Professionals.
The price is $15 for a single wash. The washes have no prerequisite and are gentle enough that anyone of any age and at any time can enjoy their benefits. A wash can be given either in person or by phone as a distant healing. It takes about 9 minutes to complete one planetary wash. Multiple washes can be received, but only one at a time. During a wash, only the beneficial energies from a particular planet are conferred upon the recipient. The effect is temporary and will usually linger for about a month or so, depending on the intensity level chosen for the wash. A Planetary Wash is like getting out of a bath, you will remain wet with planetary energy for a while until it dries.
The Sun and each of the planets of our solar system emit their own unique energies. A description of the energetic qualities of the Sun, the planets and a binary dwarf planet (Pluto) are given below. Based on your goals and/or astrological constraints, choose the washes below that best suit you. You can have just one wash done or all nine (one at a time) in a single session. I can help you decide the best Planetary Washes for you.
The Sun is the center of our solar system. All life revolves around it within its sphere of influence. The Sun signifies the Spirit of humanity and our will to be great.
A Solar Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
Additional qualities associated with a Solar Wash include:
Chakras: 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus)
Physical Organs: Brain (Thalamus, Motor Basal Ganglia, Corpus Striatum), Heart and Circulatory System
Practical Application: A Solar Wash brings power and strength, and in doing so, creates a sense of confidence and optimism in your abilities. It enhances your will power, determination and courage needed in facing new tasks and overcoming challenges in your life.
A Solar Wash may be useful with health issues involving the thalamus and motor basal ganglia of the brain. Also, the heart and circulatory system.
Mercury is the planet of our mental life, primarily our intellect. It influences how we receive, process and disseminate information. Hence, Mercury governs communication. It gives us the power to manifest through our speech.
A Mercurian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
Additional qualities associated with a Mercurian Wash include:
Chakras: 5th Chakra (Throat), 7th Chakra (Crown)
Physical Organs: Brain (Reticular Activating System - RAS, Subthalamus, Speech Center, Language Comprehension), Nervous System (synapses), Hands, Tongue, Vocal Cords and Sense of Hearing
Practical Application: A Mercurian Wash enhances your communication skills. It will help you with speaking in front of an audience and easing stage fright. It is especially useful during the astrological phenomenon of a "Mercury Retrograde." See upcoming periods at left.
A Mercurian Wash may be useful with health issues of the brain involving the Reticular Activating System (RAS), such as in ADHD and narcolepsy. And, Speech and Language Comprehension areas of the brain, such as in childhood speech developmental issues and aphasia in stroke victims. Also, it may be beneficial for auditory, vocal cord, tongue, and hand health issues.
Venus, the Morning Star, changes existence into 'living' through the addition of love, art, and beauty in all aspects of our life. Venus shows us all forms of love except romantic love, that's Neptune's role. It rules our sentiments, values, and pleasures we enjoy in life. Venus shows us what makes us happy.
A Venusian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
Additional qualities associated with a Venusian Wash include:
Chakras: 2nd Chakra (Sacral), 5th Chakra (Throat)
Physical Organs: Brain (Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Substantia Nigra), Lymphatic and Immune Systems, Senses of Touch, Taste and Smell
Practical Application: If you are depressed and bored, a Venusian Wash will enable you to embrace life and enjoy it. It enhances your sense of touch. Also, it enhances the senses of taste and smell, making food & drinks taste a whole lot better.
A Venusian Wash may be useful with health issues of the brain that involve the hypothalamus and pituitary, such as in hormonal imbalances, and the Substantia Nigra, such as in Parkinson's Disease. Also, the lymphatic and immune system disorders and will stimulate these systems to purify the blood by removing foreign and unwanted impurities.
Mars represents fire energy. Without the fire of life, there is no action. Mars is responsible for getting all aspects of our Being (spirit, mind, emotions and body) moving.
A Martian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
Additional qualities associated with a Martian Wash include:
Chakras: 1st Chakra (Root), 2nd Chakra (Sacral), 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus)
Physical Organs: Brain (Hypothalamus, Motor Pathways, Red Nucleus, Amygdala), Adrenal Glands, Kidneys, Skeletal Muscles and Feet
Practical Application: If you are procrastinating or afraid of doing something, a Martian Wash can push you to take action. It gives you the courage, passion and focus to follow through with your ambitions.
A Martian Wash may be useful with health issues of the brain involving motor pathways, the hypothalamus & amygdala. It can help you with anxiety and stress conditions related to adrenal gland issues. Also, health issues with your kidneys, skeletal muscles and feet.
Jupiter governs our potential for growth and expansion in all areas of our Being (spirit, mind and body). Through our experience of growth and expansion, Jupiter teaches us about our unbounded potential.
A Jovian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
Additional qualities associated with a Jovian Wash include:
Chakras: 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus), 6th Chakra (Third Eye)
Physical Organs: Brain (Globus Pallidus), Digestive System (Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Liver) and Urinary Bladder
Practical Application: Jovian energy, working from behind the scenes, helps provide you with superb opportunities for career success. When a Jovian Wash is invoked, it brings financial abundance, joy, good health and good luck into your life.
A Jovian Wash may be useful for health issues of the digestive system involving the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and liver. Also, issues with the urinary bladder.
Although Saturn is well known and feared astrologically as a maleficent planet, let me remind you that only the beneficial qualities of Saturn are ever used in a wash. Through Saturn's beneficial energy, we gain ancient wisdom and a deep understanding of Dharma and how our lives fit into the Master Plan for humanity. Saturn, from behind the scenes, will help get your life in alignment with your dreams and aspirations like no other planet can.
A Saturnian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
Additional qualities associated with a Saturnian Wash include:
Chakras: 6th Chakra (Third Eye), 7th Chakra (Crown), 8th Chakra (Soul Star)
Physical Organs: Brain (Putamen), Central Nervous System and Pituitary (master gland)
Practical Application: One of the most common uses for a Saturnian Wash is to help mitigate negative astrological aspects of Saturn on your life. Saturnian energy can help bring stability and order to your life in chaotic and turbulent times. It will also help you find your path in life, if you do not know. Saturnian energy removes mental blocks and restrictions in your life, enabling you to make the necessary changes to realize your dreams.
A Saturnian Wash may be useful for health issues of the central nervous system and pituitary gland.
Uranus is the planet of destiny. It governs genius and represents intuition that comes like lightening in a flash of knowingness. It is the planet of sudden and unexpected changes and it rules freedom and originality.
An Uranian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
Additional qualities associated with a Uranian Wash include:
Chakras: 6th Chakra (Third Eye), 8th Chakra (Soul Star)
Physical Organs: Brain (Nucleus Caudatus -head), Central Nervous System and Pituitary
Practical Application: A Uranian Wash will give you a spark of genius and originality in your life. Hence, it is good before a job interview, or for impossible situations that you seemingly have no way out. With the power of this energy, you may be surprised at the creative solutions to your problems that suddenly appear when needed.
A Uranian Wash may be useful for health issues of the central nervous system and pituitary gland.
Neptune is a planet of spirituality and all things subtle. It gives us spiritual, psychic, channeling and musical abilities. Neptune is a planet of inspiration, dreams and romance.
A Neptunian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
Additional qualities associated with a Neptunian Wash include:
Chakras: 6th Chakra (Third Eye)
Physical Organs: Brain (Nucleus Caudatus - tail), Pineal, Skin and Sense of Touch
Practical Application: A Neptunian Wash, if it's your intention, will enhance your personal magnetism and help attract romantic love into your life. Use Neptunian energy for the enhancement and refinement of your spiritual, psychic, and channeling abilities. If you are a musician, this energy will greatly augment your abilities and inspire you to create extraordinary works of music.
A Neptunian Wash may be useful for health issues of the brain, pineal and skin.
Pluto rules our subconscious mind. It helps us recognize those aspects of ourselves that we keep hidden from our ego and the rest of the world. Pluto enables us to confront our inner demons and release our untapped spiritual potentials. It gives us the ability to integrate all parts of ourselves, whether conscious or subconscious, into one wholeness of Being. Pluto gives us the ability of seeing the subtle aspects of life and all things hidden from view in us and others.
A Plutonian Wash primarily confers the qualities of:
Additional qualities associated with a Plutonian Wash include:
Chakras: 8th Chakra (Soul Star)
Physical Organs: Brain and Sense of Hearing
Practical Application: A Plutonian Wash will give you "uncommon" common sense, and in doing so, enable you to make better choices. In your personal relationships and life situations that you find frustrating and confusing, Plutonian energy can help bring clarification by revealing the real reason behind your unpleasant situation. This wash will enhance your ability to uncover subtle or hidden secrets about Nature or your neighbors.
A Plutonian Wash may be useful for health issues of the brain and hearing. If you are ever afflicted with a mysterious illness, this wash may reveal its hidden root cause. For this reason, Plutonian energy works amazingly well for all kinds of healing, whether spiritual, mental or physical.