Who is Divine Mother? In the minds of many people, God refers to the Creator of all that is. However, here on earth, God has also been used to refer to some of our rulers who considered themselves gods. For the spiritual realm, the name God is too limiting, and therefore, they prefer to call our beloved Creator, Divine Source. Divine Father is the masculine expression of Divine Source and Divine Mother is the feminine expression of Divine Source. The three together form the Divine Trinity.
This is an amazing time we are living through here on earth. Two things are happening simultaneously - Mother Earth/Gaia has nearly completed her Spiritual Emergence, and then, we are going through our spiritual Great Awakening, after which we will be resonating on the fifth dimension.
To help us through these challenging times, Divine Mother has continued to give us newer kinds of heart based energies. Some of these energies have never been on Earth before, but, they are certainly needed and more than ever before. For a full listing of Divine Mother’s primary energies, see John Chandler’s website at https://divinemotherenergies.com/
BELOW, please find an assortment of special Divine Mother energies. Other than John Chandler’s Blue Rain of Concentrated Divine Love, these energies are unique and have never been offered before. Enjoy.
Rainbow Waterfall Therapy is a gift from Divine Mother. It is a new healing modality for deep, multidimensional healing of all aspects of our physical and energetic bodies.
This is a 8 1/2 week course (17 colors, including rainbow) that meets on Mondays and Thursdays each week. You have a choice of which colors (classes) to take. However, everyone needs to take the first class because its attunements lay the foundation for the whole course.
This course meets twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays, allow 60 minutes for each class, except the first class, which need about 2.5 hours.
Class 1, allow 2.5 hours,
First class, Monday (3/3/25), your choice of time:
Morning, 9am to 11:30am, OR, Evening, 5pm to 7:30pm Mountain Time
Classes 2-17, allow 60 minutes, your choice of time:
Morning, 9am to 10am, OR, Evening, 5pm to 6pm Mountain Time
Prerequisite: Everyone 16 and older is welcome.
Price: $16 for each class (color) / Retake $7
Registration: Currently Closed
When you are ready, go to "Purchase Product" section below
This course was created by Divine Mother to help us release the negative energy patterns of trauma that we have accumulated in our physical and energetic bodies. There are primarily 16 Areas of the body that need to be addressed and have their trauma implants released. Once these stored negative energies patterns are removed, we can more easily realize our dreams. This course would be useful for everyone and it has the blessings of Divine Mother.
The course meets on Sunday (3/9/25), allow 3.5 hours, your choice of time:
Morning, 9am to 12:30pm Mountain Time, or,
Afternoon, 3pm to 6:30pm Mountain Time
Prerequisite: Everyone 16 and older is welcome.
Price: $52 Retake: $16
Registration: Currently Closed.
When you are ready, go to "Purchase Product" section below
The Blue Rain course is a Divine Mother energy workshop, created by John Chandler. The Blue Rain of Concentrated Divine Love energy is versatile and is used for healing and protecting yourself and others. Also, Blue Rain gives us the opportunity to heal, purify and shape our environment in ways that we never thought possible.
The Blue Rain Course meets on Saturday (3/15/25), allow 4 hours, your choice of time:
- Morning, 9am to 1pm Mountain Time, Or,
- Afternoon, 3pm to 7pm Mountain Time.
Prerequisite: None - Everyone is welcome
Price: $115 (43% promotional discount) / Retake $50
Registration: Currently Closed.
When you are ready, go to "Purchase Product" section below.
The Divine Love Bubbles are an add-on for the Divine Biosphere requested by Debbie Nau Redmond.
The course meets on Sunday (3/16/25), allow 90 minutes, your choice of time:
Morning, 9am to 10:30am Mountain Time, or,
Afternoon, 5pm to 6:30pm Mountain Time
Prerequisite: Divine Biosphere from John Chandler
Price: $52 / Retake $25
Registration: Currently Closed.
When you are ready, go to "Purchase Product" section below.
Burst Energies are Divine Mother energies that were first received by Debbie Nau Redmond.
The course meets on Tuesday (3/25/25), allow 2 hours, your choice of time:
Morning, 9am to 11am Mountain Time, or,
Afternoon, 5pm to 7pm Mountain Time
Prerequisite: Everyone 16 and older is welcome.
Price: $52 Retake: $16
Registration: Currently Closed
When you are ready, go to "Purchase Product" section below
The Emergency Protocol was requested by Eugene Nau. It is a special set of new Divine Mother energies that are activated simultaneously in order to temporarily create a three-layered shield for protection against a would be attacker (physical or psychic) giving us the time to escape. In today’s challenging world, the Emergency Protocol can provide much needed protection. This is a must-have course.
The course meets on Tuesday (4/8/25), allow 90 minutes, your choice of time:
Morning, 9am to 10:30am Mountain Time, or,
Afternoon, 5pm to 6:30pm Mountain Time
Prerequisites: Everyone16 and older is welcome.
Price: $43
Registration: Currently Closed
When you are ready, go to "Purchase Product" section below
Click on the "Purchase Product" button below. It will send you to my website's "In Store" page where you can select available courses to purchase.
Note: Only courses that are currently open for purchase are shown on my "In Store" page.
If you have questions or need approval for a Retake Discount, go to my "Contact Me" page.
The Rainbow Waterfall Therapy is a gift from Divine Mother. This is a new healing modality whose energies have never been on Earth before. It consists of a special set of Divine Light energies of different colors designed to collectively give us a deep, multidimensional healing of all aspects of our physical and energetic bodies. For each class, we explore the healing power of a different color using a special Divine Rainbow Waterfall. These Divine Light energies are received by visualizing standing in a special Divine Waterfall for each healing color. The Divine Light passes through all aspects of all your physical and energy bodies for complete and thorough healing.
This is a 8 1/2 week course (17 colors, including rainbow) that meets twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. You have a choice of which colors (classes) to take. However, the first class is mandatory because its basic attunements lay the foundation for the course.
This course meets twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays, 60 minutes for each class, except for the first class, which needs about 2.5 hours.
Class 1, allow 2.5 hours, your choice of time:
Morning, 9am to 11:30am, OR, Evening, 5pm to 7:30pm Mountain Time
Classes 2-17, allow 60 minutes, your choice of time:
Morning, 9am to 10am, OR, Evening, 5pm to 6pm Mountain Time
Prerequisite: None - Everyone is welcome.
Price: $16 for each class (color) / Retake $7
Registration: Currently Closed
You have a choice on which colors (classes) to take. However, the first class is mandatory because its basic attunements lay the foundation for the course.
Class 1, Monday, March 3 - Course Overview & Bronze Waterfall Therapy
Bronze Qualities: Stability, Boundaries, Humility, Resilience, Nourishment.
Angel of Color: Archangel Zadkiel
Class 2, Thursday, March 6 - Orange-Red Waterfall Therapy
Orange-Red Qualities: Passion, Courage, Assertiveness, Inspiration, Power.
Angel of Color: Archangel Zagzagel
Class 3, Monday, March 10 - Orange Waterfall Therapy
Orange Qualities: Sociability, Feeling, Enthusiasm, Optimism, Creativity.
Angel of Color: Archangel Ariel
Class 4, Thursday, March 13 - Pink Waterfall Therapy
Pink Qualities: Unconditional love, Kindness, Friendliness, Gentleness, Motherly love.
Angel of Color: Archangel Chamuel
Class 5, Monday, March 17 - Peach Waterfall Therapy
Peach Qualities: Sensitivity, Empowerment, Joy, Vitality, Possibilities.
Angel of Color: Archangel Haniel
Class 6, Thursday, March 20 - Yellow Waterfall Therapy
Yellow Qualities: Uplifting, Energizing, Intellect, Clarity, Cheerfulness.
Angel of Color: Archangel Jophiel
Class 7, Monday, March 24 - Gold Waterfall Therapy
Gold Qualities: Peace, Intelligence, Wisdom, Tranquility, Brings change.
Angel of Color: Jesus or Buddha
Class 8, Thursday, March 27 - Pearl-Cream Waterfall Therapy
Pearl-Cream Qualities: Insight, Truth, Oneness, Wholeness, Knowledge.
Angel of Color: Archangel Jeremiel
Class 9, Monday, March 31 - White Waterfall Therapy
White Qualities: Divine Source, Grounding, Innocence, Cleansing, Purification.
Angel of Color: Archangel Galgaliel
Class 10, Thursday, April 3 - Sparkly Silver Waterfall Therapy
Sparkly Silver Qualities: God spark, Hope, Magic, Inspiration, Release emotions.
Angel of Color: Archangel Uriel
Class 11, Monday, April 7 - Green Waterfall Therapy
Green Qualities: Healing, Compassion, Growth, Balance, Soothing.
Angel of Color: Archangel Raphael
Class 12, Thursday, April 10 - Blue-Turquoise Waterfall Therapy
Blue-Turquoise Qualities: Peace, Zenish, Nurturing, Communication, Healing.
Angel of Color: Archangel Gabriel
Class 13, Monday, April 14 - Royal Blue Waterfall Therapy
Royal Blue Qualities: Selflessness, Dependability, Boldness, Strength, Leadership.
Angel of Color: Archangel Michael
Class 14, Thursday, April 17 - Indigo Waterfall Therapy
Indigo Qualities: Spiritual truth, Inner wisdom, Intuition, Expressiveness, Encouragement.
Angel of Color: Archangel Raziel
Class 15, Monday, April 21 - Purple Waterfall Therapy
Purple Qualities: Spiritual connection, Tranquility, Wisdom, Inspiration, Expansion.
Angel of Color: Archangel Orion
Class 16, Thursday, April 24 - Light Lavender Waterfall Therapy
Light Lavender Qualities: Transformation. Inner Peace, The Clairs, Faith, Awareness.
Angel of Color: Archangel Metatron
Class 17, Monday, April 28 - Rainbow Waterfall Therapy
Rainbow Qualities: Happiness, Renewal, Beauty, Closure, Hope.
Angel of Color: All Angels and Divine Source
When you are ready, go to "Purchase Product" section below.
The Releasing Trauma course was created by Divine Mother to help us release the negative energy patterns of trauma that we have accumulated in our physical and energetic bodies. There are primarily 16 Areas of the body that need to be addressed and have their trauma implants released. Once these stored negative energies patterns are removed, we can more easily realize our dreams. This course would be useful for everyone and it has the blessings of Divine Mother.
The course meets on Sunday (3/9/25), allow 3.5 hours, your choice of time:
Morning, 9am to 12:30pm Mountain Time, or,
Afternoon, 3pm to 6:30pm Mountain Time
Registration: Currently Closed
When you are ready, go to "Purchase Product" section below.
The Blue Rain course is a Divine Mother energy workshop, created by John Chandler. The Blue Rain of Concentrated Divine Love energy is versatile and is used for healing, purifying and protecting yourself, others and even your city. It is so powerful that it can even be used to transform dark/demonic entities into Beings of Light. The Blue Rain energy gives us the opportunity to heal, purify and shape our environment in ways that we never thought possible.
In this course, you will be given access to Divine Mother's Blue Rain of Concentrated Divine Love energy. You will learn how to create a personal energy sphere filled with Blue Rain for healing and purifying yourself and others. One of the course favorite Add-ons is the Zipper Technique, which gives us the ability to unzip one's energy layers (Buddhic, Mental, Emotional and Etheric) and open them for deep cleansing and healing. When the Blue Rain comes into contact with anything dark/demonic, it beaches it white. This is how you will know that purification has taken place. With the help of Divine Mother, we can use this energy to remove dark/demonic entities from a person or environment, purify them and transform them into Beings of Light. You will also learn how to create a Blue Rain Energy Cylinder filled with Blue Rain for surrounding a city to cleanse, heal and purify everyone and everything inside the cylinder.
The Blue Rain Course meets on Saturday (3/15/25), allow 4 hours, your choice of time:
- Morning, 9am to 1pm Mountain Time, Or,
- Afternoon, 3pm to 7pm Mountain Time.
Registration: Currently Closed
When you are ready, go to "Purchase Product" section below.
The Divine Love Bubbles are an add-on for the Divine Biosphere requested by Debbie Nau Redmond.
The course meets on Sunday (3/16/25), allow 90 minutes, your choice of time:
Morning, 9am to 10:30am Mountain Time, or,
Evening, 5pm to 6:30pm Mountain Time
Registration: Currently Closed
When you are ready, go to "Purchase Product" section below.
This is a 14th dimensional energy. Divine Mother first gave this energy to Debbie Nau Redmond.
This energy appears mostly transparent because it doesn't have a harmonic resonance with any color in our visible light spectrum. In its picture, it was given a golden tint so it could be seen. When activated, it radiates out from one’s heart chakra as high frequency energy pulse waves that push out anything and everything that no longer serves us. This energy has consciousness, intelligence and awareness. Burst Clear automatically adjusts itself for our highest good. Burst Clear is primarily used for clearing and purifying.
Divine Mother first gave this energy to Debbie Nau Redmond for healing injuries and promoting good health. With permission from Divine Mother, Burst Heal energy was give to Eugene Nau so he could teach others.
This energy is much different than the original Burst Clear energy. Burst Heal is not transparent like Burst Clear, but rather has a pink color saturated with tiny gold light particles. It has a misty-like texture and can penetrate all physical structures. This energy comes from the upper 5th dimension, the Angelic Realm. It enters into us through our Crown Chakra and spreads throughout all aspects of our physical body for intense healing. This energy has consciousness, intelligence, awareness and automatically adjusts itself for our highest good. Burst Heal is primarily used for healing.
The course meets on Tuesday (3/25/25), allow 2 hours, your choice of time:
Morning, 9am to 11am Mountain Time, or,
Afternoon, 5pm to 7pm Mountain Time
Registration: Currently Closed
When you are ready, go to "Purchase Product" section below.
The Emergency Protocol was requested by Eugene Nau. It is a special set of new Divine Mother energies that are activated simultaneously in order to temporarily create a three-layered shield for protection against a would be attacker (physical or psychic) giving us the time to escape. In today’s challenging world, the Emergency Protocol can provide much needed protection. This is a must-have course.
The course meets on Tuesday, 4/8/25, allow 90 minutes, your choice of time:
Morning, 9am to 10:30am Mountain Time, or,
Evening, 5pm to 6:30pm Mountain Time
Registration: Currently Closed
When you are ready, go to "Purchase Product" section below
Click on the "Purchase Product" button below. It will send you to my website's "In Store" page where you can select available courses to purchase.
Note: Only courses that are currently open for purchase are shown on my "In Store" page.
If you have questions or need approval for a Retake Discount, go to my "Contact Me" page.